How to choose a good quality stainless steel glass door hinges?

How to choose a good quality stainless steel glass door hinges?

Stainless steel glass door hinges are hardware parts on doors and windows. Hinges are often used in our lives. Therefore, the quality of a hinge determines the overall experience of use. It is very important for us to choose a good quality hinge, so how to choose? Where do you start?

1. For stainless steel glass door hinges, opening and closing is a key. The key to normal opening and closing is the spring of the hinge. We can listen to the sound of the hinge closing when we buy it. If the sound is dull, it proves that the spring strength is not enough and the quality is not enough. .

2. The surface treatment of the stainless steel glass door hinges is also very important. If the surface treatment is not good, you will see that the shape of the hinge is not good, and it is not smooth to the touch, and it will appear that the furniture is not high-grade when installed. Although this will reduce production costs, it will not last long in terms of service life and user experience.

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