Seven Misconceptions about Glass Shower Doors

1. They are too fragile
When people hear "glass", they think of "fragile". However, the glass shower door is made of tempered glass, which is very strong and hard to break. Even if the shower doors do break, they will break into small pieces, not sharp pieces.2. They do not need to be cleaned
In fact, you have to clean your new shower door. Cleaning the door can avoid the accumulation of deposits and soap residue. As long as you regularly clean the sliding glass shower door, you can maintain its clarity and freshness.3. They can be expensive
Glass shower door manufacturers offer a range of products that can meet almost any budget. The price of a shower door depends on several aspects, such as what type of shower door you want. The best way to prepare for the transformation of shower doors is to ask several glass companies for quotations.
4. Towel bar can be added after installation
The position of the towel bar must be accurate to ensure usability, accessibility and the overall aesthetic feeling of the door. In order to achieve this, we must measure the towel bar off the door. After the glass is manufactured and installed, it is not allowed to drill holes in the glass.5. They all look the same
This statement is far from the truth. The glass shower door has different patterns and transparency. It also varies in thickness, color gradient and a protective coating. According to these characteristics, glass is divided into textured glass, insulating glass, stained glass, transparent glass and tempered glass.6. It is better to replace them than to repair them
This is not always the case. This is not recommended unless the glass shower door is damaged or the shower is worn. Replacing existing glass shower doors may cost more than repairing them. Sometimes the roller of the door fails, and only repair is needed instead of replacing the whole door7. They are leakproof
If your shower room layout is handled properly, this should not be a problem. As there are certain gaps between glass doors, water can flow out of them. For maximum water resistance, you need to place the shower head on the other side of the hinge. This will help prevent water leaks and prevent water from flowing out of your shower room.We should break the misunderstanding of the glass shower door and install a glass shower door for your bathroom. Of course, don't forget to purchase shower hardware for your shower door. We provide shower hardware of various sizes and styles to meet your requirements. Visit our website or email us for a free quote.