What if the Frameless Shower Door Gets Stuck?

Step 1- Identify the Problem
Check if the frame of the shower is properly aligned. If the vertical line of the frame is too low, the only solution is to replace the door or remove it and reinstall it. If the door frame is just a small exit, you can adjust the door to fit or adjust the door clamp. Is the floor flat? Once again, you may need to redo the floor if you want a frameless door. If the glass door only recently started hitting the ground when shaking, the door clip is likely a bit loose, rather than a problem with the floor.Step 2- Adjust the Door
Most shower door companies charge you around $50 to adjust the door, but this is a simple task that you can do yourself, especially for some doors that need to be adjusted more than once a year. Gently open the door and place a wedge under it to support the heavy object.Step 3- Tighten the Hinge
Before tightening the hinge clip, squeeze some locking agent under it. If necessary, remove the hinge to use the locking device. Recheck the door for fit, no gaps, and clean any excess seals. After doing it, you can remove the wedge and try the door.
Step 4- Install the Third Hinge
If you find that your door needs to be adjusted frequently, you may find that adding a third hinge in the middle will solve this problem.If the hinge of the door is damaged or twisted, you may need to purchase a new door or install a new hinge. On the other hand, if your frameless door runs on a railing, you should check if the railing is bent or filled with hair, debris, or similar objects. Always start with the simplest solution so you can solve the problem before repainting the floor or walls.