What Is the Size of a Standard Sliding Glass Door?

The most common standard heights for 2 and 3 panel glass doors are:
6.6 feet (80 inches)
6.8 feet (82 inches)
8 feet (96 inches)
The most common standard width of a double-sided plate glass door is:
8 feet (96 inches)
6 feet (72 inches)
5 feet (60 inches)
The most common standard width of 3 panel glass door is:
12 feet (144 inches)
9 feet (108 inches) If the above standard dimensions do not meet the space requirements you want to cover with sliding glass doors, we suggest you consult a professional. You should also contact a company that specializes in glasswork. They can even build a custom-sized sliding glass door for you to make your home fit perfectly and solve your problems.
If you want to purchase sliding glass door hardware for the sliding door, please get in touch with Loire Hardware. Our sliding glass door hardware series is designed with a solid structure, which can help you easily improve or upgrade the current sliding glass door series.