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How should we choose the glass of shower room?

With the improvement of living standards, many families have used shower rooms. As the main part of the shower room, the glass can be said to directly affect the service life of the shower room. Considering the safe

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Forged brass or cast brass,which one is better for shower room hardware?

Brass is one of the high-quality raw materials used by many bathroom hardware manufacturers, which can be divided into forged brass and cast brass according to the different processing technology of brass. Today's

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Guide to Choosing Shower Room Accessories

Many families like to install a shower room in the bathroom in order to bring a better shower experience and realize the separation of dry and wet areas. There are many accessories that make up the shower room, and&

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How to remove a hinged shower door?

There are two basic types of hinged shower doors: doors that are supported and hinged by pivot pins, and doors that are supported and suspended by hinges attached to a frame or panel. Regardless of the type of showe

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